In vivo efficacy studies is the study of the biological effects of a drug in a complex living organism and is used to observe the complex physiological effects of a drug. Our scientist working on early research and proof-of-concept (POC) pharmacological studies in relevant animal models of human diseases to efficacy evaluations. Our scientific team has wide experience with numerous disease models and assays, as well as efficient in developing new models to meet the specific needs of a particular compound or discovery program. We have established various models to evaluate the efficacy of target molecule in various pain, inflammation, neuropharmacological studies, wound healing and metabolic disorders, etc. Which includes:
Neuropathic pain
Inflammatory pain
Mechanical & Thermal Nociception
Visceral pain
Acute inflammation
Chronic inflammation
Learning and memory
Stress and Depression
Wound Healing Models
Metabolic disorders
Other Models
The purpose of toxicity studies is, ultimately, non-clinical safety evaluation through characterization.
MoreOur capabilities in pharmacokinetics include early exploratory, investigative or screening studies.
MorePreclinical research offers the evaluation of potential therapeutic interventions in animal models.
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