
Awake & be the change

Awareness Week on Antibiotic Knowledge & Education (AWAKE)


The AWAKE campaign is an effort to Create awareness among healthcare providers and the general public about the rational use of antibiotics across India. It further creates awareness for effective development and implementation of a national policy to deal with AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) VENUS through AWAKE hold hands to help India build an AMR free society.

Every year Venus with its CSR partner EARS organize the AWAKE campaigns across major cities in India on Antibiotic Awareness Week (November 3rd week)

Awake objectives

  • Promoting awareness to reduce unwarranted use of antibiotics among the public, paramedical staff, pharmacists and hospitals.
  • Promoting the wise use of antibiotics.
  • The target audience would primarily be all significant hospitals, medical colleges, educational institutes and the public at large. We plan to utilize electronic media including social networking tools to spread awareness on prudent use of antibiotics by engaging the general public, primary care persons and prescribers.

Awake Awareness Aids

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